Thursday, October 13, 2011

Unexplained syncope-terminator

In 1961, the United States physicist Holt (Holter) invented the long-range, dynamic ECG recording technique, later people call this technique the "Holter", which is the second milestone in the history of electrocardiographic technology. The technology has "long range" and "dynamic" two characteristics, which greatly improve the ability of physicians in the diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias. However, for intermittent episodes of cardiac arrhythmias, record time of only 24-hour Holter found themselves powerless. In the clinical context of urgent needs, placing Holter came into being. This technology can be placed after 1.5 years, full information to record cardiac activity, sustainability, worse than the Holter records increased from 8,000 to 10,000 times the amount of times, you can record, diagnosis of severe arrhythmia occurs during this period, known as the third milestone in the history of electrocardiographic. &Nbsp; placed for composition, place and method of use of Holter   development of placing Holter started in 1992, their clinical results was first reported in 1995.    1997-first place Holter obtained in Europe and the United States FDA approved clinical application at the moment is the second generation, its simple structure and is made up of three parts (Figure 1). Fig 1  placed detection instrument by micro-ECG Holter recorder (), external trigger (b) Programmer (c) comprising three parts   the   place the micro surgery recorder: after local anesthesia, physicians in patients with sternal left cut 1.5 cm long incision, subcutaneous pocket, micro recorder built into and suturing. Surgery only takes 10 minutes or so, in the clinic, patients can go home after surgery. &Nbsp;   automatically or manually triggered recording: mini ECG recorders placed after in vivo, recorded information was triggered the first in first out principle not retained. When a severe arrhythmia occurs when the patient can automatically trigger record freeze before the trigger point (4-12) and after (1-2) ECG information and save. Also when patients feeling unwell, can trigger firing record freeze and save the ECG data time period. &Nbsp; the   Diagnostics: patient developed symptoms or when regular follow-up, physicians via telemetry methods in vitro promptly stored data is paged out and prints, for Diagnostics. &Nbsp; placed for indications of Holter   United States society of Cardiology/United States society of Cardiology (ACC/AHA) on dynamic electrocardiogram monitoring guidelines (1999) lists of class ⅰ indications include: ① syncope of unknown origin, approximate syncope ②, ③ attack of dizziness, ④ unexplained recurrent heart palpitations, ⑤ epilepsy and seizure. &Nbsp; is currently placing Holter is mainly used for other tests cannot specifically causes, attacks do not frequent syncope and threatened syncope is to study new technologies cause dizziness or syncope. Because of its sustainable logging, capture probability of ECG during symptoms and diagnosis rates greatly improved. &Nbsp;   check out the syncope of the arrhythmia: a group of 35 patients with recurrent syncope, about 1 year after the check is accepted into Holter, 24 cases (69%) in patients with syncope or threatened syncope occurs again. In addition to the 4 cases of attack failed to automatically activate event ECG Recorder not be stored outside, and the remaining 20 cases of patients with diagnosis. &Nbsp; the   identification of atypical causes of epilepsy: research shows, atypical seizures but antiepileptic therapy after ill-placed Holter checks, some epilepsy patients with cardiac in nature, antiarrhythmic therapy, symptomatic improvement. &Nbsp; placed for clinical evaluation of Holter   place-Holter technology since the launch, has a number of clinical studies on the evaluation, the results are encouraging. The technology used in clinical, will certainly contribute to unexplained syncope and its diagnosis and treatment of patients with similar symptoms. &Nbsp; also, automatically trigger record fun

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