Monday, November 14, 2011

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Monday, October 31, 2011

Estethica AW11 at The Exhibit


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Unexplained syncope-terminator

In 1961, the United States physicist Holt (Holter) invented the long-range, dynamic ECG recording technique, later people call this technique the "Holter", which is the second milestone in the history of electrocardiographic technology. The technology has "long range" and "dynamic" two characteristics, which greatly improve the ability of physicians in the diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias. However, for intermittent episodes of cardiac arrhythmias, record time of only 24-hour Holter found themselves powerless. In the clinical context of urgent needs, placing Holter came into being. This technology can be placed after 1.5 years, full information to record cardiac activity, sustainability, worse than the Holter records increased from 8,000 to 10,000 times the amount of times, you can record, diagnosis of severe arrhythmia occurs during this period, known as the third milestone in the history of electrocardiographic. &Nbsp; placed for composition, place and method of use of Holter   development of placing Holter started in 1992, their clinical results was first reported in 1995.    1997-first place Holter obtained in Europe and the United States FDA approved clinical application at the moment is the second generation, its simple structure and is made up of three parts (Figure 1). Fig 1  placed detection instrument by micro-ECG Holter recorder (), external trigger (b) Programmer (c) comprising three parts   the   place the micro surgery recorder: after local anesthesia, physicians in patients with sternal left cut 1.5 cm long incision, subcutaneous pocket, micro recorder built into and suturing. Surgery only takes 10 minutes or so, in the clinic, patients can go home after surgery. &Nbsp;   automatically or manually triggered recording: mini ECG recorders placed after in vivo, recorded information was triggered the first in first out principle not retained. When a severe arrhythmia occurs when the patient can automatically trigger record freeze before the trigger point (4-12) and after (1-2) ECG information and save. Also when patients feeling unwell, can trigger firing record freeze and save the ECG data time period. &Nbsp; the   Diagnostics: patient developed symptoms or when regular follow-up, physicians via telemetry methods in vitro promptly stored data is paged out and prints, for Diagnostics. &Nbsp; placed for indications of Holter   United States society of Cardiology/United States society of Cardiology (ACC/AHA) on dynamic electrocardiogram monitoring guidelines (1999) lists of class ⅰ indications include: ① syncope of unknown origin, approximate syncope ②, ③ attack of dizziness, ④ unexplained recurrent heart palpitations, ⑤ epilepsy and seizure. &Nbsp; is currently placing Holter is mainly used for other tests cannot specifically causes, attacks do not frequent syncope and threatened syncope is to study new technologies cause dizziness or syncope. Because of its sustainable logging, capture probability of ECG during symptoms and diagnosis rates greatly improved. &Nbsp;   check out the syncope of the arrhythmia: a group of 35 patients with recurrent syncope, about 1 year after the check is accepted into Holter, 24 cases (69%) in patients with syncope or threatened syncope occurs again. In addition to the 4 cases of attack failed to automatically activate event ECG Recorder not be stored outside, and the remaining 20 cases of patients with diagnosis. &Nbsp; the   identification of atypical causes of epilepsy: research shows, atypical seizures but antiepileptic therapy after ill-placed Holter checks, some epilepsy patients with cardiac in nature, antiarrhythmic therapy, symptomatic improvement. &Nbsp; placed for clinical evaluation of Holter   place-Holter technology since the launch, has a number of clinical studies on the evaluation, the results are encouraging. The technology used in clinical, will certainly contribute to unexplained syncope and its diagnosis and treatment of patients with similar symptoms. &Nbsp; also, automatically trigger record fun

Unfractionated heparin 1 month

Pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE) is one fatal complications in postoperative patients with ovarian cancer, is also a common cause of sudden death after. PTE thrombus comes mainly from lower limb deep venous thrombosis (DVT), while the DVT and PTE are a total of venous thromboembolism.  United States current research data show that postoperative venous thromboembolic events (VTE) prevention treatment is effective.  United States at Duke University Medical Center Theau (Teoh) by comparing the 5 types of treatment programmes to prevent VTE after found that for abdominal postoperative patients with ovarian cancer, unfractionated heparin (UFH) economic potency than the best treatment 1 month. Study compared the 5 basic prevention and treatment programmes, namely continuous pneumatic compression pump (SCD) therapy, hospital UFH therapy (5000 U, 3 times a day), low molecular weight heparin in the Hospital (LMWH,40 mg/d) therapy, UFH 1 month of therapy (5000 U, 3 times a day, a total of over 1 months) and the LMWH 1 month of therapy (40 mg/d,  Treating 1 month on). Analysis found that UFH 1 month of therapy, average cost is $ 1611, the incidence of VTE is 1.9%, is the 5 kinds of treatment programmes in the least costly and most effective treatment options. LMWH 1 month of therapy have efficiencies and UFH 1 month of therapy are the same (1.9%), but on average more expensive (2,197 dollars).  In addition, the UFH in hospital therapy (5.4%), hospital-LMWH therapy (5.9%) and SCD in hospital therapy (6.4%) is less than the cost of prevention and treatment of UFH 1 month group.  Sensitivity analysis is also prompted, UFH 1 months cost of therapy is ideal, and application of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia costs does not affect the results of this model. Visible for abdominal postoperative patients with ovarian cancer, UFH 1 of VTE after months of therapy is to prevent the most effective and least costly solution. In addition, taking into account the treatment of VTE information that accept LMWH better standards of life in patients with ovarian cancer, the study therefore supports UFH or LMWH 1 month of therapy for prevention of VTE after selecting.  

Unhealthy behavior increases m

United Kingdom scholars found that unhealthy behavior may increase the risk of death, and have a variety of unhealthy behaviors have a higher risk of death.   The paper published in the archives of internal medicine [Arch Intern Med 2010,170 (8): 711].   The prospective, cohort study included a total 4,886 above 18 years old subjects, calculate their health score, 1 points by either of the following behaviors: smoking; getting enough fruits and vegetables 3 times a day; movement less than 2 hours per week; female alcohol more than 14 units per week (1 unit is 8 g) or men over 21 units. 20 found the average follow-up, score 0 points and health subjects compared to score 1, 2 points 3 points or 4 total risk of mortality than (the HR), 1.85,  2.76 and respectively  3.49  (trend <0.001 p values). The results prompted again, intervention in diet and lifestyle are important public health implications.  

Thursday, October 6, 2011

SFDA requires investigating an

Recently, the State food and Drug Administration (SFDA) notice, require the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) food and Drug Administration to lend false authority on the Internet without registration illegal publicity selling drugs to investigate the treatment of diseases such as diabetes. Specific drug name and Web address are as follows: 1.  drug name: blood skin capsules, labeled manufacturers: China love rehabilitation centre for Medical Research Institute of Beijing dermatosis,; 2.  drug name: thirst jiangtang tablet, marking production enterprises: Center for elderly patients in the people's Liberation Army control,; 3.  Drug name: jiuding qiangshen capsule, labeled manufacturers: China Academy of Chinese medicine, &Nbsp; the State food and drug administration requires the provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) food and drug administration in strengthen area drug market supervision according to law and found that these drugs, seriously investigated and dealt with according to law; arrested for criminal offences, in accordance with the "two Supreme judicial interpretation" transferred public security organs shall be investigated. &Nbsp; the State food and Drug Administration warned consumers purchase drugs through regular channels and used under the guidance of your doctor or pharmacist.   

SFDA requires investigation li

Living kidney and strengthening Yang capsule to fake   messages from the State food and Drug Administration Web site, a few days ago, the State food and Drug Administration issued a circular requiring investigated “ living kidney and strengthening Yang capsule ” and “ tongluo capsule ”, both of these products are counterfeit drugs that are not registered. The State food and Drug Administration advise patients: don't buy these products in order to avoid failure diagnosis and treatment, hazardous to health; when purchasing drugs should go to the regular qualified pharmacy or medical institutions to buy drugs. In addition, if you want to verify if a drug is registered, can land a State food and drug administration official website recent days, the State food and Drug Administration received reports, reflected in the market with forged medical institutions or research institutions on behalf of the illegal publicity sales claims to have treated diseases feature products. Upon verification, as reflected in the report of the products are counterfeit drugs that are not registered, the specific products is as follows:1, product name: “ living kidney and strengthening Yang capsule ”, mark development, the production company name: “ North Central Institute of traditional Chinese medicine ”, and “ beijingzhongyiyaodaxue Andrology Institute, ” and “ Beijing traditional Chinese medicine biotechnology pharmaceutical co, Ltd ”. Upon verification, development unit are marked as false body, these products are counterfeit drugs that are not registered with. 2, product name: “ tongluo capsule ”, marking production unit name: “ long Xin Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd, Sichuan ” website: Upon verification, marking of production units for false agencies, these products are unapproved products registered.State food and drug administration requires the provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) drug administration departments to strengthen area drug market supervision, once these products, to be seriously investigated and dealt with according to law; arrested for criminal offences, in accordance with “ the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate to handle criminal cases of producing and selling counterfeit and inferior medicines several interpretation of the specific application of law ” transfer of public security organs shall be investigated.   links: State food and drug administration requires investigating and handling “ living kidney and strengthening Yang capsule ” counterfeit drugs, such as  

New technology of treatment fo

November 12 a new technologies for tumor therapy outcome "fluorescent protein labeling tumor" settle in Beijing. Xinhua   He Junchang photo taken.   

New teeth early correction of

This newspaper hearing   (resident reporter Nie Songyi correspondents Li Huahong Qiao Ruilin) by HA-Medical University II homes oral are during orthodontic repair branch Hou Lu Professor, development invention of name for "buccal side more song spring activities correction device and the buccal side more song spring die" (as figure) can resolve years plagued children ⅲ class wrong teeth-in (commonly known as "to package days", and "circles tooth",) in children with early correction solid bit indefinite and development bad, series of problem. Hou Lu said compared with traditional appliances, "cheek side song spring activities appliance" increases the buccal side song of spring mechanical power to serve for full dentition, thanks to Palatine of maxillary denture base part retention effect added atmospheric pressure. Degree of horizontal loop opened using near-field to far to adjust to the height of the front and rear vertical, plays down role of the anterior and posterior teeth, increased retention, even in the deciduous and mixed dentition abutment retentive condition weaker case can also be used. At the same time, on either side of the afterburner adjusted also for correction of mandibular deviation. Maxillary bone does not have traction before, but the effect is two-jaw, curbed the excessive growth of the mandible forward, neutral stability in more favourable to the establishment of molar occlusal relationship.  At the same time improving the relationship between mandibular position on, easy to wear available in patients with pronunciation. Professor Hou, best for improving class ⅲ malocclusion bones are deciduous in the period column. The past, for younger patients, orthodontic retention challenges, new appliances can solve such problems.   

Friday, September 23, 2011

Bourges: I want to see a clean, France

I want to see a clean Bourges France
He claimed that several former French head of state had received political contributions from African countries, while he himself was personally responsible for passing on those boxes full of cash.
Staff reporter Wu Qi
Robert • Bourges (Robert Bourgi), is probably the hottest in France and throughout Europe, the news people.
He recently claimed, several former French head of state received campaign contributions from African countries. And he once personally responsible for passing those boxes full of cash.
Bourges to the media, from 1995 to 2005, former President Jacques Chirac and former Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin received a total of $ 20 million in political contributions, mostly used for Chirac's campaign in 2002. The money came from Burkina Faso, Congo, Gabon, Côte d'Ivoire and Senegal.
When these former French colonies of Africa, the African heads of state that de Villepin's favorite arts and worship of Napoleon, they also presented a large number of African masks and rare objects associated with Napoleon. Bourges said Dominique de Villepin and even gifts for those two years ago held a trade fair. Gabon President also gave Chirac a set with 200 diamonds, watches, "the watch on the French political scene is too extravagant, no one will dare to wear it."
Chirac and de Villepin have categorically denied to the court. De Villepin said that this is deliberate campaign tour for his obstacles. From the French presidential election only seven months or so, de Villepin is the current President Nicolas Sarkozy will be a strong challenger.
In 2004, Dominique de Villepin, Sarkozy had already plunged into defamation "springs" incident. At that time, a judge received an anonymous report said Luxembourg "springs Fund", including Nicolas Sarkozy, are equipped with French politicians and business people, including accepting the secret account of illegal funds, but the list of the judiciary found forged, Sarkozy immediately instituted. " defamation "lawsuit. However, de Villepin was acquitted last year and announced the formation of a new political party, directed at the presidency, and even once in the poll before the election, the overwhelming support for Sarkozy.
Public opinion generally believes that Bourges closely with Sarkozy. Bourges in the interview but has repeatedly clarified that he is neither Sarkozy's personal assistant is not a non-official think-tank, the president will find he only occasionally discuss something. He also insisted that Sarkozy never accepting donations through his. However, Chirac's former aides quickly countered: "Sarkozy is no exception, since the general election since 2007, Bourges Sarkozy has been helping raise money from African leaders there."
Bourges to come forward to explain their motivation is to see a "clean French", for themselves and their country's past is not proud. The same channel as early as political contributions • George Pompidou, Valery Giscard • • Francois Mitterrand and other French president has been longer-term already exist, but because he was not a direct operator, and therefore can not estimate the amount of money involved in the end.
He boasted that his political end to the French public opinion and on a plate, which is filled with 25 years of the reporters have been trying to find out the truth, put on a neutral third-party stance. In fact, Bourges is a lawyer in addition to outside, or a professional political lobbyists, and was different African heads of state employment, to help them carry out lobbying activities in France. He has also contributed to several African countries to meet with French leaders.
Over the years, he and the President of Senegal maintain very close family ties, President Abdoulaye Wade's son • even call him uncle, and his brother had done in the Oval Office intern. This broke the news, he not only confessed a number of French heads of state, also confessed his "secret nephew." From the early years of Jacques Chirac as the "God of Wealth", to today's fans of Nicolas Sarkozy, in a different camp to change their identity, which seems Bourges already a habit.
A reporter asked him, Africa's political contributions for? He said excitedly: "used for exchange is a lie, constantly lies, promises not kept, for some African countries, the abuse of power eye, close one eye." Senegal President's spokesman, but soon denied its political contributions related to this case.
Constantly to the media about this complex and wonderful shady story, he also admitted that his hands did not save any supporting evidence, this situation will almost certainly be defeated in his suit. Paris prosecutors have confirmed that in addition to Bourges has not yet received declarations of other materials.
Support the right-wing UMP, Sarkozy's lawyer said he Bourges Zhefan self-incrimination comments that shocked, "the equivalent of this self-confession in which he admitted his criminal responsibility for his must be given a proper explanation, not only related to defamation, and is related to justice. "
The lawyer also says with exasperation: "During the election, will always be a variety of rumors."