Monday, August 27, 2012

Many Turkish designers and ready-wear companies have managed to establish well-known brands in Iran, Nedim [euro][micro]rE-n, head of the Turkish Fashion Designers and Ready-wear Clothing Federation was quoted by Anadolu Agency Replica Tungsten Anadolu Agency (AA) (Turkish: Anadolu Ajansı) is the Turkish state news agency commissioned with producing news releases pertaining to the country. Anadolu Agency was set up on April 6th, 1920 by Mustafa Kemal Atatrk, the founder of the Modern Turkish . Following the deepening deepen 
tr. & intr.v. deepened, deepening, deepens
To make or become deep or deeper.

Noun 1. deepening - a process of becoming deeper and more profound  contraction contraction, in physics
contraction, in physics: see expansion.
contraction, in grammar
contraction, in writing: see abbreviation.

contraction - reduction  in European markets, Turkey`s fashion designers and ready-wear clothing companies have been preparing to enter the Iranian market. The contraction in Western markets caused a 30 percent decline in ready-wear exports. Turkish fashion designer and ready-wear clothing companies are seeking alternative markets to enter, said Nedim [euro][micro]rE-n, head of the Turkish Fashion Designers and Ready-Wear Clothing Federation, which represents 13 associations and 1,700 members that export as well as operate in the domestic market. Instantly, many companies turned to countries Fake 3 H Watch that have been able to manage the global turmoil better and have less severe wounds than Europe. The federation chose Iran and Africa as its next destinations. It is planning to hold bilateral talks and organize workshops in those countries. "Our neighbor, Iran, was less affected by the global economic crisis. It has an income from petroleum and its public's prosperity is thriving," said [euro][micro]rE-n. Here, the collection preparation period becomes crucial, he said. "Iran would not send us samples or ask us to mass manufacture them. That is what European countries used to tell us. Even that has changed. They have been demanding to see our own collections for a while now. That enables us to sell more added value Added value in financial analysis of shares is to be distinguished from value added. Used as a measure of shareholder value, calculated using the formula:

Added Value = Sales - Purchases - Labour Costs - Capital Costs
 products." Iranian women The terms Persian women or Iranian women, used interchangeably, refer to women of Iran (known as Persia outside Iran until 1935).

Notice: As one person may have contributed to more than one field, they can be categorized in multiple areas.  wear very chic, very sophisticated clothes under the chadors they wear on streets, [euro][micro]rE-n said. "That is what we are interested in producing what these women wear." Many Iranian people Replica Frederique Constant admire the creativity and style of Turkish fashion designers, said [euro][micro]rE-n. "Istanbul already sells a lot of products to Iranian people. We just want to institutionalize institutionalize
To place Fake Breitling a person in the care of an institution, especially one providing care for the disabled or mentally ill.

in  those sales. The sales are currently conducted in a 'shuttle trade' mode. There is a need to seize this opportunity and turn these sales into institutionalized institutionalize 
tr.v. institutionalized, institutionalizing, institutionalizes
a. To make into, treat as, or give the character of an institution to.

b.  exports," he said. Turkey ranks fourth, following Italy, France and Spain, when it comes to setting a fashion trend. When it comes to production volume the country also ranks fourth, right after Italy. China and Hong Kong Hong Kong (hŏng kŏng), Mandarin Xianggang, special administrative region of China, formerly a British crown colony (2005 est. pop. 6,899,000), land area 422 sq mi (1,092 sq km), adjacent to Guangdong prov.  grab the No. 1 and 2 spots respectively. 2009/05/30

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